Here's another excerpt from my book "Rebuilding Your Temple Garden"... Are you caught up in the devil's Pentecost???
"Just be with him (God). You don't need to speak a lot of fancy words. Just go to the garden. Picture it in your mind and just sit there. Find a quiet place and withdraw from the world for a minute. Turn off your cell phone, the TV, the computer. And sit in silence. Silence. Do we even know what that is anymore?
Listen, the devil attacks silence so ruthlessly these days because he knows if you never have silence or recollection, if you never enter inward into prayer, then you will never enter God. If you never enter God, then the devil has you in the palm of his hand!
Nowadays, it's like the devil's Pentecost out there in the world. Instead of a mighty wind bringing peace and life and power, the devil brings a mighty wind of busyness and chaos and anxiety. Instead of tongues of fire that inflame hearts, the devil brings a fire that leaves us completely burned out.
Friends, we have become so accustomed to noise, to the constancy of stimuli, that soon this will become a habit for us, and noise will become a "need." Soon, silence and stillness will become so foreign to us that it will be torture for us to sit in it. Then, how will we ever find God?
This is the devil's plan! Do not be tricked. Do not be distracted. Make silence a priority.... turn off your cell phone and sit. When you're driving, turn off the radio. Learn to look for a little moments of quiet. Learn to love silence.
Listen for the still small voice of God calling you..."