Divine Infant Jesus, as we pray this Rosary, we ask You to remove from the Heart of the world the desire to commit the sin of abortion. Remove the veil of deceit Satan has placed over hearts, which portrays promiscuity as a freedom, and reveal it for what it is-slavery to sin. Place over the Heart of the world a renewed respect for life at the moment of conception. Amen
Mysteries (Written by Stacy Mal):
The Agony in the Garden:
I offer this decade of the Rosary for all parents of unborn children who are currently experiencing anxiety and Agony at the thought of becoming parents. I offer this also in reparation for all those who have aborted their children because of these anxieties. Through the sufferings that Jesus experienced in the Agony in the Garden, may they find peace with the pregnancy and consent to the gift of life. Amen.
The Scourging at the Pillar:
I offer this decade of the Rosary for all medical personnel in the abortion industry, that they may experience a powerful awakening as to their participation in the sin of abortion. May those who scourge, dismember, and mutilate the sacred bodies of unborn children see the Blood on their hands and forever abandon this work. I also offer this decade in reparation for the innocent scourging that takes place through abortion. Through the Scourging of Jesus, may all life be seen with dignity and handled with care. Amen.
The Crowning with Thorns:
I offer this decade of the Rosary for all the obstinate people in favor of abortion—those who refuse to see the truth, who mock the pro-life movement, and who further the degradation of human life. Through the sufferings of Jesus at His crowning with thorns, may their hearts begin to suffer remorse, and their eyes are opened. I also offer this decade in reparation for all the sins committed by the supporters of the pro-choice movement, especially those who are members of the Church.
The Carrying of the Cross:
I offer this decade of the Rosary for all parents of unborn children who are burdened by the weight of the pregnancy, who do not want to “carry” the child term and experience the new life that is in store. Through the sufferings of Jesus as he carried his Cross, may they receive inner strength, and may they find a Simon who can help carry the needs of the child. I also offer this decade in reparation for those abortions that have taken place because of inconvenience or lack of help.
The Crucifixion:
I offer this decade of the Rosary for all leaders and lawmakers who cast lots against life with their votes, their policies, and their voices. Through the sufferings of Jesus at his Crucifixion, may they experience a conversion like the centurion at the foot of the Cross. And like Jesus, may they “thirst” for justice and righteousness. I also offer this decade in reparation for all the laws enacted against life here in America and worldwide.