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Sorrowful Mysteries for Grace

Writer's picture: Stacy MalStacy Mal

The Agony in the Garden:

The night before His Passion, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. His closest friends fell asleep, and He was alone. He foresaw all that He would suffer and all the souls that would be lost despite His sufferings. This caused Him such Agony and distress that He sweat Blood. But He consented to the Father’s Will and accepted His Passion. Mary, in all the anxieties of my life, grant me the grace to accept the Father’s Will. Help me to stay awake to the fact that the sufferings of my life are nothing compared to what your Son experienced. May the time I spend with Him, during this decade, comfort Him in all that He still suffers on account of indifferent souls, asleep in faith.

The Scourging at the Pillar:

The soldiers tied Jesus to a pole, stripped off His garments, and began to beat Him cruelly. Their instruments gouged Jesus’ sacred flesh to such a degree that His bone was exposed. Every inch of Him was wounded beyond recognition, but He offered this torture for our sake. Mary, grant me the grace to endure the pains of my physical body. Remind me that they are nothing compared to what Your Son endured. Give me the inspiration and the heart to offer these afflictions to God on behalf of sinners. May the time I spend with Him during this decade comfort Him for all that He still suffers on account of those who mistreat His Body and Blood in the Eucharist.

The Crowning with Thorns:

After His flogging, Jesus was dressed for mockery in a purple cloak. The soldiers placed a crown of large, sharp thorns on His Head. They pressed it into His skull and proceeded to mock, hit, and spit at Him. All the while, Jesus remained silent. Even though they were wrong—even though Jesus really is a King—they were not able to see Him or understand the truth of who He is. So He opened not His mouth. Mary, grant me the grace to always see Him and to always understand His truth. Never let me hurt Him with cynicism or doubt. Petition Him not to be silent. I am open and listening. May the time I spend with Him, during this decade, comfort Him for all He still suffers on account of those who openly mock the Catholic Church and its people.

The Carrying of the Cross:

The soldiers gave Jesus His Cross and led Him to Golgatha. The women who followed Him wept bitterly. Jesus was so weak from His torture that He fell multiple times under the weight of the Cross. Finally, they forced a man named Simon of Cyrene to help Jesus carry it the rest of the way. Mary, grant me the grace of perseverance so that with every step today, I will willingly shoulder my crosses. In my weak moments, where I am falling under the weight of them, come to my aid, Mother. Help me as Simon helped Your Son. May the time I spend with Him during this decade comfort Him for all He still suffers because of those who reject their crosses and refuse to help their neighbor.

The Crucifixion:

In His last moments on the Cross, Jesus gave His holy Mother to the apostle, John, which symbolized Him giving Her to all of us. He prayed that the Heavenly Father forgive his executioners. Then, He gave up His spirit. Mary, grant me the grace to receive You as my Mother, with new charity and appreciation. Grant me the grace to forgive those who do me wrong. And give me the grace to surrender my spirit into the Hands of God. May the time I spend with Him during this decade comfort Him in all that He still suffers because of those who refuse You as their Mother, as well as those who are perishing in unforgiveness.


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All praise, honor, and glory be to the Holy Trinity -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith, come to our aid. St. Maximilian Kolbe pray for us. St. Louis de Montfort, pray for us. St. John Paul II, pray for us. St. Faustina, pray for us. St. Michael the archangel, defend and protect us.

© 2024 by Militia of Mary Catholic Ministries

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