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Luminous Mysteries for Virtue

Writer's picture: Stacy MalStacy Mal

The Baptism of Jesus:

Jesus did not need to be baptized because He is God. He is without sin. But He submitted obediently to the Father’s will for our sake. And the Father said in reply, “This is my Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Blessed Mother, grant me the grace of obedience and submission to God‘s will, even in those times when I think it is unnecessary and want to follow my own way. Remind me today how pleasing it is to the Heavenly Father to do as he desires for the sake of others.

The Wedding at Cana:

The wine ran out at the wedding feast, which would have meant humiliation for the bride and groom. They feared humiliation without a remedy or solution to the problem. But the compassion of the Blessed Virgin Mary urges Jesus to step in and fix it. He does so with a miracle. Blessed Mother, so I am lacking, and I’m fearful of what is to come, grant me the grace to trust in your compassion, love in the mercy and power of your Son. May I stand firm in this trust until Jesus works a miraculous solution.

The Proclamation of the Kingdom:

Jesus proclaimed that the Kingdom of God is at hand… Not in some future time… But now. His proclamation is forever. It is spoken with urgency—to repent and believe in the gospel without delay. Blessed Mother, Grant me the grace of prudence that I may respond to Jesus’ call in my heart without hesitation or procrastination… That I may see him in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Do not let me put this off, but stir in my heart unrest until my confession is complete.

The Transfiguration:

Peter, James, and John followed Jesus up the mountain, not knowing they would soon be allowed to see Him in full glory… the divinity and majesty of God in their midst. Blessed Mother, Grant me the grace of perseverance so that I, too, may follow Him up the mountain of life. Remind me that this journey is not pointless so that at the end, I too may see the Lord in glory and live in everlasting life with God.

The Institution of the Eucharist:

Jesus knew it was almost time to suffer His passion and die. Because of this, he made sure that He could remain with us by instituting the Eucharist. His love for us is so great, so unending, that He never forsakes us. He is always in the Blessed Sacrament… Even though sometimes He is left lonesome, rejected, or received within difference. Blessed Mary, Grant me the grace of gratitude that I may see and appreciate the sacrifice Jesus has made to be fully present with me. Help me to return love for love, to receive Him worthily and not complacently. Let me be more fully aware of His Real Presence today.


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All praise, honor, and glory be to the Holy Trinity -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith, come to our aid. St. Maximilian Kolbe pray for us. St. Louis de Montfort, pray for us. St. John Paul II, pray for us. St. Faustina, pray for us. St. Michael the archangel, defend and protect us.

© 2024 by Militia of Mary Catholic Ministries

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