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Joyful Mysteries for Grace

Writer's picture: Stacy MalStacy Mal

The Annunciation:

While She was in prayer, the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, revealing God’s Will for her life—to have a baby, which was by no means easy. Mary, though, courageously said yes to God’s plan. With Her yes, the Holy Spirit came upon Her, and Jesus dwelled within Her. Mary, while I am in prayer here now, grant me the grace to hear the will of God for my life. And grant me the grace to consent to it, to give my resounding yes! May this enable the Lord Jesus to dwell within me and the Holy Spirit to come upon me.

The Visitation:

The Virgin Mary visited Elizabeth, who was pregnant and in need. Upon Her arrival, Elizabeth recognized, through the Holy Spirit, the presence of the Son of God within Her. Elizabeth spoke out in praise, and the life within Her leaped. Mary, I, too, am in need right now. Grant me the grace of experiencing your Holy visit. Through the Holy Spirit, may I too recognize the presence of the Son of God who is with You eternally, and now, through these prayers, in my midst.

The Nativity:

While in Bethlehem, Joseph and Mary were rejected. There was no room at the Inn, and the time had come for Jesus to be delivered. So, they accepted a small stable as their cover and laid the Baby Jesus in a manger. Mary, grant me the grace to accept situations, even though they are not my first desire. Help me to see that God’s plan is in humility and simplicity… that His ways are so far above my ways. Through your grace, do not allow me to reject You and Your Son, as the innkeepers did at Bethlehem.

The Presentation:

Mary and Joseph obediently took Baby Jesus to the Temple to be blessed, where they met Simeon, who gave thanks to God for being allowed to see and hold the Messiah. He also prophesied of the coming heartache that Mary would have to experience. And She held this revelation in Her Heart. Mary, grant me the grace of obedience, that I may do what God has called me to through the laws of His Church. Help me to see and behold the Messiah and to hold the revelation of His Word in my Heart.

The Finding of Jesus in the Temple:

Mary and Joseph set out towards home, from Jerusalem, with a caravan of family and friends. Mary and Joseph assumed Jesus was among them in the caravan. But after quite some time, they discovered He was not. They traveled a great distance back to Jerusalem, where they found Him teaching and preaching in the Temple. Mary, grant me the grace to conduct a fruitful examination of conscience. Do not allow me to merely assume Jesus is with me. Help me to take inventory of my Heart so that I do not travel any distance from Him.


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All praise, honor, and glory be to the Holy Trinity -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith, come to our aid. St. Maximilian Kolbe pray for us. St. Louis de Montfort, pray for us. St. John Paul II, pray for us. St. Faustina, pray for us. St. Michael the archangel, defend and protect us.

© 2024 by Militia of Mary Catholic Ministries

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