The Resurrection
The soldiers nailed Jesus to the Cross and laid him in a tomb. But Jesus is God, so He came back to life. There is nothing Jesus can’t do. Let us pray: Jesus, when I am worried about something that seems impossible to fix, help me to remember that you can do anything because you are God. Help me not to worry but trust in you to help me.
The Ascension
Before Jesus rose up into the sky to Heaven, he told his friends to go and tell everyone about him. That way, other people would become Christian, and go to Heaven someday, too. Let us pray: Jesus, I want to be your friend just like the apostles. Please make me brave so that I am not afraid to tell people about you.
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
After Jesus died, the apostles were afraid and confused. So they prayed in a room together with Mary. Then the Holy Spirit came into them and they were not afraid or confused anymore. Let us pray: Jesus, while we pray this rosary with Mary, fill us with your Holy Spirit, so that we will not be confused or afraid anymore either.
The Assumption
When Mary’s time on earth was over, she did not have to suffer or die. Instead, Jesus just raised her up into the clouds. He brought his mom up to Heaven so that she could be with Him forever and ever. Let us pray: Jesus, help me and my family to be good and love you better so that someday we can come to Heaven with you and Mary, too.
The Coronation
When Mary went to Heaven, Jesus, her Son, put a crown on her head. Jesus is the King of Kings, and Mary became the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Let us pray: Mary, you are not only my other Mother, you are also a Queen mother! And Jesus is King! That means the two of you rule the whole earth, and I am part of your royal family! Help me to remember that I can go to you with all my troubles and you will use your power to help me.