Heavenly Father I thank you for the gift of today. For the gift of this present moment. For the gift of my life which You authored from the foundation of the world.
I thank you for my marriage, my children, all of our family, and our dear friends. I thank you for my health - and the secret mighty work you are doing to restore and renew me in mind, body, and soul every single day. I trust in your perfect plan for me.
I thank you for my home, my job, my vocation, my possessions, the food I have to eat, and the water I have to drink. I thank you for my talents, my passions, my happiness, and my peace.
Please help me this day to be mindful of all these… my many many blessings. Do not let me get distracted by the day’s trials, adversities, or inconveniences. Keep me focused on your love, your grace, and your mercy. Stir up within me a spirit of profound gratitude. And from that let flow the joy of the Lord into all those who I will encounter today.
I recognize with great humility that not everyone is as fortunate and that so many are struggling right now. So I ask you Father to bless those in need.
Bless those who are hungry, and thirsty; those who do not have a home, a job, family, friends, peace, happiness, or good health.
Show your favor and kindness to them, Lord God.
Comfort the afflicted, Father. Send an angel to those who are wrought with anxiety. Breathe Your Holy Spirit - the comforter - upon them and grant them peace.
Send forth a mighty and powerful battalion of angels to all those being mistreated or abused, especially those who are children. Raise up an army of souls on earth who are willing to fight for their freedom and protection.
Bless all those who I said I would pray for… today and all the days before this, back through my entire life. Bless those still on the earth; bless those souls who have gone to eternity, and bless all those whom they loved.
I pray for all those who will die today that they may have the grace to repent and find mercy in Your Son, Jesus. Look too with mercy on all the suffering souls in purgatory, Father. I pray especially for those souls who have no one to pray for them, the souls of my friends and those in my family line, the souls who currently suffer the most, and the souls who are especially loved and chosen by the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Heavenly Father, protect and bless my neighborhood, my town, my state, and my country. Send forth the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Michael the archangel, and the whole Heavenly court to defend us at every moment. I pray for all our government officials and public servants that they may have the mind and heart of Christ and lead us according to your holy will. May all those who seek to destroy us be exposed and their plans foiled. May our enemies crumble so that we can live freely and peacefully as one nation under God.
May I - and all those who sincerely attempt to live in Christ Your Son - be invisible to the enemy under Jesus’ blood.
Lord, go with me into this day. Bless the work of my hands and the work of my mind — that it may be fruitful and productive. Give me the grace work smart and be efficient. All with a joyful spirit. Make me a blessing to all those I will meet today… may they encounter YOU when they encounter me.
Lord go before me, stand beside me, and watch behind me. I give this day to you entirely for your glory. Keep me mindful of you throughout the day so that every moment may be a prayer to you. I trust everything in my life to your hands. And I pray all this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.